Expression EvaluatorExpression Evaluator
There are times when evaluating an expression against one or more objects is desirable but you don't want to have to create and manage a full Query object.

The org.josql.utils.ExpressionEvaluator class added in version 1.6 makes the evaluation of an expression against an object simple and easy to do.
 * Return some formatted information about a file.
String exp = "path + ', size: ' +
             formatNumber(length) +
             ', last modified: ' +

String details = (String) ExpressionEvaluator.getValue (exp, new File ('/home/me/myfile.txt'));
 * Use as a file filter.
String exp = "lastModified BETWEEN toDate('10/May/2007') AND toDate('28/Jun/2007') " +
              "AND " +
              "length >= 10 * 1024" +
              "AND " +
              "path LIKE '%/subdir/%'";
ExpressionEvaluator ee = new ExpressionEvaluator (exp, File.class);

if (ee.isTrue (myfile))

   // Process the file.
