Class SelectItemExpression

  extended by org.josql.expressions.Expression
      extended by org.josql.expressions.SelectItemExpression

public class SelectItemExpression
extends Expression

Field Summary
static String KEY
static String VALUE
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Collection getAddItems(Object v)
 String getAlias()
 Class getExpectedReturnType(Query q)
          Return the class of the object that "should" be returned from a call to the: Expression.getValue(Object,Query) method.
 Expression getExpression()
 Object getValue(Object o, Query q)
          Get the value for this expression based upon the object passed in.
 boolean hasFixedResult(Query q)
          Return whether the expression will evaluate to a fixed/constant result.
 void init(Query q)
          Perform the necessary initialisation for this expression.
 boolean isAddItemsFromCollectionOrMap()
 boolean isTrue(Object o, Query q)
          This method allows ANY expression (including those that extend ValueExpression) to be used in the WHERE and HAVING clauses but ensuring that a boolean value is available for every expression.
 void setAddItemsType(Class c)
 void setAddMapType(String t)
 void setAlias(String a)
 void setExpression(Expression exp)
 String toString()
          Return a string representation of the expression, making this abstract forces sub-classes to provide an implementation.
Methods inherited from class org.josql.expressions.Expression
isBracketed, setBracketed
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String VALUE
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SelectItemExpression()
Method Detail


public String getAlias()


public void setAlias(String a)


public boolean hasFixedResult(Query q)
Description copied from class: Expression
Return whether the expression will evaluate to a fixed/constant result. This allows certain optimisations to be performed when an expression is evaluated. A "fixed result" is basically one in which multiple calls to either the: Expression.isTrue(Object,Query) or Expression.getValue(Object,Query) methods will return the same object (or that o1.equals (o2) == true) regardless of the object passed to the method.

Specified by:
hasFixedResult in class Expression
q - The Query object.
true if the expression evaluates to a fixed/constant result.


public Class getExpectedReturnType(Query q)
                            throws QueryParseException
Description copied from class: Expression
Return the class of the object that "should" be returned from a call to the: Expression.getValue(Object,Query) method. It may be that repeated executions of a query will return different classes from this method. In general sub-classes should take this variance into account.

Specified by:
getExpectedReturnType in class Expression
q - The Query object.
The expected type that will be returned from the Expression.getValue(Object,Query) method.
QueryParseException - If something goes wrong with determining the type.


public void init(Query q)
          throws QueryParseException
Description copied from class: Expression
Perform the necessary initialisation for this expression. The exact operations performed are defined by the sub-class.

Specified by:
init in class Expression
q - The Query object.
QueryParseException - If something goes wrong with the initialisation.


public void setAddMapType(String t)


public Collection getAddItems(Object v)


public boolean isAddItemsFromCollectionOrMap()


public void setAddItemsType(Class c)


public Expression getExpression()


public void setExpression(Expression exp)


public boolean isTrue(Object o,
                      Query q)
               throws QueryExecutionException
Description copied from class: Expression
This method allows ANY expression (including those that extend ValueExpression) to be used in the WHERE and HAVING clauses but ensuring that a boolean value is available for every expression.

Specified by:
isTrue in class Expression
o - The current object to evaluate the expression on.
q - The Query object.
true if the expression evaluates to true (well duh...).
QueryExecutionException - If there is a problem with the execution of the expression.


public Object getValue(Object o,
                       Query q)
                throws QueryExecutionException
Description copied from class: Expression
Get the value for this expression based upon the object passed in. In general sub-classes should perform some operation on the object to generate their result. The Query object is provided so that sub-classes can gain access to the bind variables (if required), save values and so on. Whilst it may seem better to have the Query object as a member of this class this would then prevent the expression from being used separately from the Query (a design goal of JoSQL, i.e. independent processing).

Specified by:
getValue in class Expression
o - The current object that the expression should be evaluated on.
q - The Query object.
The value of the expression.
QueryExecutionException - If something goes wrong with gaining the value.


public String toString()
Description copied from class: Expression
Return a string representation of the expression, making this abstract forces sub-classes to provide an implementation.

Specified by:
toString in class Expression
A string representation of the expression.

  Copyright © 2008 Gary Bentley. All Rights Reserved.